
READER REVIEW: Bob's Review of Talenti Southern Butter Pecan

Going into this pint I was kind of guessing this would be a similar to the Sea Salt Caramel base mixed with Pecans instead of Truffles like in the Sea Salt Caramel, so lets see what this had to offer. After looking at the side of the pint I saw a few chunks of pecans, I saw a nice looking Caramel Gelato Base, and a small dulce de leche swirl which was interesting.

Upon cracking the lid you can see a few nibs of a pecan and the fine gelato base. I must comment the base was pretty damn close to Sea Salt Caramel in essence that very rich caramel flavoring that is very soft from being a gelato. I have to say this was a great way to start the pint on my very first bite, so I have zero complaints as this was fantastic. It's no Jeni's Salted Caramel in my opinion, but its still very good and probably my 2nd favorite behind it.

After you dig into the first bite you can see that the pecans are small little chunks nothing like Graeter's Chocolate Chips, but they are very small like when I had a Breyers Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Quart in nearly every single bite they blend right into the base and provide a very nice flavoring and small crunch (they are not Ben & Jerry's solid) but give a nice nutty flavoring to the base and pint which makes it a good mix.

As you get down into the pint you start to get into the swarm of pecan pieces and i also had a few signs of a dulce de leche swirl in the mix as i saw on the side of the pint and as i got down to the middle/bottom. With my 2nd Talenti Pint i have to say the further you get down the more mix-ins you find, It becomes an absolute mine field of pecans and its honestly sometimes a few in every single bite you take which is awesome. Talenti is really not shy when it comes to mix-ins as i have experienced on this pint and the Sea Salt Caramel. Overall i am not a huge nut lover, but this was a great change of pace with a very solid caramel base, loaded with good mix-ins and a small glimpse of a dulce de leche swirl A great way to mix all of the flavors to create a good pint that should be on the higher end of Talenti flavors based off the ratings from other consumers on the rest of their line. If you get a chance give this a crack its one of their best IMO after having only 2 flavors but reading a select few other reviews on the rest of the line!

Where Bob Found It: Giant Eagle
Bob's Grade: B