Yeah, that's the word. :)
John and I arrived extremely nervous for my first-ever book signing, but you guys put us right at ease. It turns out you Wreckies are a kind, considerate bunch who are perfectly willing to patiently wait your turn in line for free cake. And oh, what a Wrecktastic cake it was!

In addition to the Wreck pile-up you see here, Johnnie also provided a yummy chocolate and caramel frosted sheet cake, which disappeared like hot...er...cakes. But, of course, that insane carrot jockey stole the show.

In addition to the showpiece that Johnnie provided, we also had some truly astounding entries in our cupcake Wreckplica contest. Here's the grand prize winner, by Jackie Cochran:
Here are the two runner-ups:
Choosing the winners was beyond difficult, though; just look at some of the other entries!
You can find all of the cupcake entries in the Cake Wrecks FaceBook album.
Thanks again to Johnnie, Sharlene of Photo Art Works (who took all the pretty pics in this post), the Winter Park Borders staff (especially managers Jeff & Selene), and all the rest of you who braved the rain and 5:00 traffic to be there. Here's hoping you had even half as much fun as John and I did!