
'Chickpea of the Sea' Salad Sandwich

'Chickpea of the Sea' Salad Sandwich

 This is a wonderfully simple mock 'tuna' salad that can be served many ways. Great alone...or serve on whole grain/artisan bread, bed of leafy greens or simply with crackers. You could even cut some bell pepper strips or cucumber slices and serve with that, they make great scoopers. Pairs well with fresh fruit too! It's healthy, delicious and sustainable. Of course, it's not going to taste exactly like tuna, but it will give you the mouth feel and fullness that its predecessor, the 'tuna salad' sandwich, gave you. Add some nori sheets or flakes to add more of a sea flavor. I have really been enjoying trying all these different foods and sharing them here in hopes to inspire others who are looking to make changes, or who already have and are looking for new inspiration. I find it's not difficult eating a plant based diet, in fact...it's a joy! I hope you like this version as much as I did.

'Chickpea of the Sea' Salad Sandwich

I never tire of the simples...

Chickpea of the Sea Salad Sandwich

My kind of wonderful!

'Chickpea of the Sea' Salad Sandwich

'Chickpea of the Sea' Salad Sandwich

  • 1 can chickpeas (garbanzo beans) (15 oz)
  • juice of 1/2 lemon + some zest if you like
  • 3 or 4 tablespoons hummus or white bean hummus (vegan mayo is great too)
  • 1/2 cup celery (about 2 small stalks, leaves ok too), chopped
  • 1/2 cup red onion (about 1/2 small), chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • himalayan salt & cracked pepper to taste
  • dash of cayenne, optional
  • 6 slices whole grain, sprouted whole grain flourless or artisan bread, to serve
  • leafy greens, to serve
  • nori sheets, to serve (optional)

Other optional ingredients:
  • crushed nori sheets or dulce
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds or hemp hearts for some omega 3 & 6

Drain and rinse beans, place in medium size bowl and roughly mash with back of a fork or potato masher until desired consistency, I like mine a little chunky. Add rest of ingredients and mix well adding any extra ingredients you like. Alternately, you could use a food processor starting with the beans, pulse a few times...add remaining ingredients pulsing again a few times until desired consistency. 

Serve chilled or at room temperature on bread of choice along with some leafy greens and the optional 1/4 sheet of nori. You can also serve on bibb or romaine lettuce like a wrap instead of using bread for a gluten free meal like shown below. Also, try serving this with sliced fresh scooping veggies like cucumber, red bell peppers, zucchini, etc.

Serves 3 generously. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in fridge for a week or so.


If using store bought hummus that is thick, take a couple heaping tablespoons of the hummus in a small bowl and add 1 tablespoon water at a time to thin to desired consistency making for a really nice binder. And if using the hummus recipe link in the ingredient list, omit the cumin.

'Chickpea of the Sea' Salad

Crunchy and flavorful...Enjoy!