Today on the continuing "Virtual" Tour we get to visit Ree
Drummond, aka the Pioneer Woman. Yes, THE Pioneer Woman. For those few of you who haven't yet been introduced to this 2008 Blog of the Year winner, Ree is a self-described desperate housewife who went from "spoiled city girl to domestic ranch wife in the blink of an eye." Her site is spectacular, with plenty of humor, gorgeous photography, recipes, and more. I highly recommend a visit.
Now, since Ree is married to a real live cowboy, and does in fact live on a cattle ranch, I tried to find some Wrecks to make her and her readers feel right at home here.

[dusting off hands] There! That should do it.
What, a dead cow is too creepy?
Nooo problem.

See, the eyes are open, so that's how you can tell it's alive. Much less creepy.
NOTE: I'm about to post some horse cakes. So first, let's pause and say a quick prayer that no equine-related tragedies are occurring - or have recently occurred - anywhere in the world.
All set?

Hey, Phil, why the long lip?
There, there, Poncy, I'm sure those spots will clear up in no time. What's that? Why, yes, you do look a little flushed. But I'm sure it's nothing, really.

Dude, you are
soo not a horse. [backing away] Oh, but hey, don't mind me. You can hang here with the
horsies just as long as you like, uh, sir.
Please don't gore me.Well, my dear
Wreckies, we have reached the end of today's post...

...but(t) I do hope you got a kick out of it.
Be sure to check out Ree's post on my virtual visit
here, and watch for her gorgeous new book,
The Pioneer Woman Cooks
, to hit shelves later this month.
Thanks to Wreckporters Regina B., K.P., Amanda L., Luci, Livia B., & Kara H.!- Related Wreckage: FHOTD, This One's For You