
San Francisco Summary

We had two great events in the Bay area. At Copperfield's in Petaluma, Amy of Carbolicious provided these gorgeous (not to mention delicious) cake truffles:

And we also had Beth of Out to Lunch Catering provide a yummy chocolate sheet cake. The Copperfield's staff was particularly sweet to us, too. Thanks, guys!

Here are our Wreckplica contest winners:

The Wreckage is strong in these ones.

And their entries:

This one gets an honorable mention, too, because Sandra made it entirely of Twinkies:

Talk about an inside joke! [buh dum bump!]

In San Francisco we visited Book Passage, a tiny store with a big heart. Y'all packed it out, though, and John and I really enjoyed the more intimate setting. Here are our three Wreckplica winners:

And their entries:

(This belly cake really gets around!)

The goodies here were in the form of mini cupcakes, and were provided by Michelle of Teeny Cake and Lena of Sweetface Bakery. Thanks, ladies!

To see all of the Wreckplica entries for these two events, check out the CW Facebook album here.

NOTE: Would the sweet young lady in Petaluma who communicated with me via a hand-written message please e-mail me? Thanks!