
READER REVIEW: Elliot's Review of New Orleans Ice Cream Co. Mardi Gras Pie

New Orleans Ice Cream Company has a special place in my heart. I spent a few years living in New Orleans, which afforded me the opportunity to explore the local culinary specialties that inspired many of their distinct New Orleans themed flavors. After reading the in-depth reviews here on the ICI, I'd been coveting the Crescent City themed flavors for months before finally splurging and ordering some online.

Score! I was not disappointed. Like a fat kid at a buffet, I happily made my way through a dozen or so flavors with ease. The pint pictured here, Mardi Gras Pie, is my absolute favorite of theirs and one of my favorites overall.

Moon Pie lovers unite. If you haven't had a Moon Pie, you will want to try one after you taste Mardi Gras Pie. The marshmallow base is slow melting, but when it tempers, Katy, bar the gate! Patience is richly rewarded with one of the best flavor and texture experiences you'll find in a pint of ice cream. The marshmallow base and swirl combined with the stracciatella-like chocolate flakes and graham cracker are a perfect marriage. Cheap, lighter Moon Pie branded ice cream sandwiches don't come close to what you'll find here.

I took it upon myself to see what I could do to make this brand available locally, requesting that a local specialty grocer here in St. Louis begin carrying NOIC. Armed with the product request form available on NOIC's website and the love in my heart, I plead my case. The rest is history, and now NOIC is available in a number of these markets here in town, allowing me the privilege of turning friends and neighbors onto this fine brand.

Where Elliot Found It: New Orleans Ice Cream Co.
Elliot's Grade: A