
REVIEW: Ben & Jerry's Triple Caramel Chunk

There are few things better than Ben & Jerry's ribbons of caramel. Showcased in flavors like Karamel Sutra and Americone Dream, this thick, stringy swirl is a valuable addition to any flavor. But after seeing this uses the caramel ice cream featured in fan favorites like Cinnamon Buns, the fudge covered caramel chunks become an afterthought. From the artwork on the outside, I've gathered that I can expect a similar shape and size to the peanut butter cups found in Everything But The, but with cascading caramel instead of creamy peanut butter.

Despite having enjoyed all the ingredients in some form or another in other flavors, I'm more than happy to give this unique combination a try. Ben & Jerry's had success when attempting chocolate overload with Chocolate Therapy, so I expect the same when utilizing caramel instead. Free of any limited batch or exclusive flavor tag lines, this still doesn't seem to inhabit freezers too frequently. Prying off the lid displays a layer of beige ice cream with hints of the caramel to come. Multiple fudge covered caramel chunks, as well as a bit of the caramel swirl, breach the surface.

Collecting the caramel base first, Ben & Jerry's further proves their proficiency when it comes to the basics of ice cream. This caramel ice cream is smooth, dense and the consistency is as can be expected from a premium producer. Although it lacked the complexity found from other caramel flavors by other manufacturers, it's just as capable as their classic vanilla to showcase a variety of mix-ins. Soon after consuming the first few bites, I find myself spoon deep in soft, stringy caramel.

Not only does the caramel swirl add some serious texture, but the best part lies in the burst of intense buttery, caramel flavors on top of the already mild caramel base. The sweet taste of the swirl could do wonders for any offering, but works very well with it's own ice cream counterpart. If we hadn't hit caramel overload yet, the influx of small fudge caramel cups would certainly push this one over the threshold. Ben & Jerry's isn't shy with their addition of chocolate cups in their flavors, and the high quantity of these little candies inside Triple Caramel Chunk reiterates they haven't abandoned this strategy.

My usual conflict with chocolate chunks in ice cream is the rock-hard consistency they obtain by being frozen for so long, but the petite size of these caramel cups offsets the problem. By remaining small, they fail to freeze past the brink of being edible. Instead, the outer coating remains slightly crunchy because of it's thinness, and ultimately gives way to more of the caramel swirl inside. Cup after cup, these get better with time. The classic combination of caramel and chocolate throughout this flavor isn't terribly complicated, but remains a solid addition to the Ben & Jerry's lineup nonetheless. Despite containing 280 calories per serving, and the fact there may be some better options in the freezer aisle, the great taste of chocolate covered caramel cups and a thick caramel swirl drowning in caramel ice cream can't be denied.

Where I Found It: Harris Teeter
Grade: B