
READER REVIEW: Steve's Review of Dairy Queen Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Blizzard

Growing up in the Midwest I always enjoyed Dairy Queen's soft-serve ice cream, but since moving down to the deep south it's a treat I've been missing. Thankfully, Baton Rouge recently got a new DQ brazier, so I decided to sample a blizzard. And since it's been awhile since I had one, rather than going with one of the new holiday mixes, I chose an old favorite, the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Blizzard.

This blizzard doesn't look like much, as you don't get the big swirl of whipped cream sitting on top like you do with the newer designer flavors. But what you do get is pretty impressive to the taste-buds, because the name of this treat doesn't lie: It's DQ's good soft-serve vanilla base with a generous helping of real Reese's Peanut Butter Cups blended in.

It's a pretty basic concoction but one that is hard to mess up, and DQ hits the mark: The blending process is neither to rough nor too fine. It is rough enough such that you get real chunks of the peanut butter cups to sink your teeth into, but also fine enough that much of the peanut butter centers get thoroughly blended into the vanilla base, giving an overall affect of eating chunks of these delicious cups in a peanut butter base ice cream rather than a vanilla one. This effect was enhanced by my requesting that the server add some of the peanut butter sauce DQ uses for other concoctions into my blizzard. This probably added 100 calories to the 740 listed for a medium-sized version. I was also tempted to pay more for extra peanut butter cup mix-ins, but was glad I didn't, as the standard concoction was served to me with more than enough peanut butter cups. The net result was about 10 minutes of bliss as I downed the tasty blizzard.

Where Steve Found It: Dairy Queen (Baton Rouge, LA)
Grade: B