
REVIEW: Turkey Hill Double Dunker

Most cookie dough creations are fairly straightforward. While most companies typically take vanilla ice cream and combine it with their chunks of cookie dough, even Turkey Hill's standard Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough differed from the norm. Replacing the standard vanilla base with one infused with brown sugar and molasses proved to be a worthy substitute for the more traditional method. Turkey Hill went even further with the variations when it came to their Double Dunker flavor. For this carton they've taken a mocha ice cream and swirled it with chewy cookie dough and a crunchy chocolate cookie swirl.

For a flavor with sizable mix-ins like cookie dough and a chocolate cookie swirl, the 180 calories per serving seems too good to be true. After removing the top and scooping some into a bowl, the light brown ice cream is so infiltrated with the cookie swirl that it's nearly impossible to see any of the cookie dough pieces inside. Grabbing the mocha base first, the nice subtle combination of coffee and chocolate provides an outstanding foundation to build upon. Although not overly complicated, the base leads with the sweet, richness of chocolate and finishes with that familiar creamy sweetness of coffee. It's hard to find much of the mocha base on it's own seeing as how thick the stripes of cookie are inside this carton. Similar to the chocolate cookie swirl found in Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy or Milk & Cookies, the texture and taste provided by this component is incredible.

The rich, flaky swirl provides an intense chocolate flavor, all while adding a nice complimentary texture to the fluffy ice cream. Eventually the cookie swirl breaks down into the granulated feel that I've learned to love. The result is one of the best swirls I've ever come across, one that would enhance nearly any base it was paired with. Just this duo would have been more than sufficient, but Turkey Hill also felt like they needed to include their chocolate chip cookie dough chunks. Much like in their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor, these have mini-chips inside them and the soft, chewy exterior break down easily. This unique combination comes together to create one of the best cookie dough flavors I've found.

Where I Found It: Ingles Markets
Grade: B