
READER REVIEW: Bob's Review of Handel's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Chip

When it comes to Handel's Ice Cream, you know you will not walk away unsatisfied and this was another example of why Handel's is some of the best in the business when it comes to taste, density, and overall mix-ins on some of their pints. Since my last haul where I grabbed 6 pints I have slowly been going through them. This was the second to last pint that I have left, but with that said lets get into the review. Upon opening the lid for "Chocolate Fudge Brownie Chip" you get that very dark and rich looking chocolate base which Handel's does provide. The best way to describe the chocolate base is to take a dark Hershey's chocolate bar and imagine that as a thick and dense ice cream that packs far more flavor than Ben & Jerry's and Graeter's. But lets face it, this is not going to trump the king (Jeni's) when it does come to chocolate.

Digging into the first bite I noticed that I got a nice massive chunk of a chocolate chip piece (not Graeter's worthy), and small chunks of brownies and a fudge like swirl that goes down the pint (just from seeing after I took the first bite). Wow, this was a mouthful. It was a whole bunch of combinations into one bite which really separated this from the other chocolates I've had from Handel's (German Chocolate Cake which I will review next week and tried before).

As I continued to pile through the pint I continued to notice the barrage of chocolate chips, small brownie pieces and a thick fudge swirl that continued to get bigger as the pint went downward. I honestly was shocked at how the flavor continued to pick up, the mix-ins continued to get larger, and the swirl continued to expand. The more I ate the denser the product got and the better it was. This was a hard pint to want to stop eating but it did not last long because of how delicious everyone complemented each other. I would have to rank this near the top. Not A+ worthy like a Jeni's Dark Chocolate would be, but for the mix-ins, the swirl and the deep and rich chocolate base this is not far off. Hands down one of the best chocolate pints I have had in my lifetime. This is a keeper and a MUST if you visit a Handel's. This was also a limited flavor when I was there.

Where Bob Found It: Handel's (West Mifflin, PA)
Bob's Grade: A