
REVIEW: Alden's Cookies 'n Cream

Every once in a while, I'll notice myself mindlessly scanning across the selections peering back at me from the freezer. Either I've tried all the interesting selections or there aren't many limited editions available, but I usually take advantage of the opportunity to branch out to another brand. With only four simple flavors in stock, I went out on a whim when I chose Cookies 'n Cream from Alden's Organic Ice Cream. Although I didn't know anything about Alden's at the time, after clicking around the internet, it turns out this Oregon based creamery is a mother and son operation. Alden's mother, Julie, has her own organic ice cream company that produces a heavier product, while Alden's products opt for a lighter formula. It's been ages since I've had a simple cookies 'n cream flavor and this fit the bill nicely.

At 180 calories per serving, I'm not expecting incredible density, especially after discovering Julie's version is considered the more-premium product. The first layer of off-white ice cream only shows small hints of the large chocolate cookies hiding beneath the surface. As I begin scooping some into a bowl, I discover the consistency of Alden's ice cream is comparable to that of Edy's and Blue Bell, which chooses a fluffy feel over an overly dense one. My first bite of the base comes complete with small crumbs of cookies that releases a mild, vanilla flavoring, which slowly intensifies in sweetness as the chocolate comes through on the backend, exactly as a cookies 'n cream flavor should.

Although the slightly complex combination of vanilla and chocolate would have been enjoyable, the larger sandwich cookies burrowed a little deeper are certainly the highlight of Alden's Cookies 'n Cream. The rich, intense burst of chocolate provided by the larger bits of cookie are what really bring this particular flavor to it's full potential. The soft chunks collapse easily when chewed, providing multiple bites of pure cookies 'n cream bliss before fully breaking down. Although the simple combination of vanilla ice cream and chocolate cookies is one of ice cream's most simple concepts, this well-made rendition reiterates why it became so popular in the first place.

Final Thoughts: Ingles Market
Grade: C