
Banana Mandarin Hemp Smoothie

Banana Mandarin Hemp Smoothie

This is my new absolute favorite smoothie as of late. Mandarin oranges are in season and I can't seem to get enough of them! I eat them by the handfuls and decided to put them into a smoothie. The result was light, refreshing and completely delicious! Every time I have one of these I feel so amazingly alive. It makes me feel as good as it tastes...seriously!

Banana Mandarin Hemp Smoothie

Before we get to the smoothie, I want to share with a bit about hemp seeds and it's protein. Hemp seeds are amazingly healthy and a great source of protein for those living the plant based lifestyle. Containing all of the essential amino acids, they are a complete protein. Unlike soy protein, hemp protein is readily digestible. It contains no gluten and has a perfect Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio, part of that Omega-6 is the highly sought after fatty acid, GLA (Gamma linolinec Acid). GLA fights inflammation and Platelet-stickiness...also, us women can take it for PMS. Find out more about how wonderful they are in this excellent article: Hemp Seeds: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World Part 1 & Part 2

For the hemp protein powder I purchase either Bob's Red Mill from my local Sprout's store which usually costs about $10.00 for 1 pound. Or I also like this organic one from Living Harvest which also comes in a 1 pound package for a few dollars more. If your local grocer or health food store doesn't carry it, you can order online.

Your hemp powder can be used in smoothies and shakes. You can even replace up to 25% of the flour in your baked goods with hemp protein powder although it will change the color slightly of your baked goods. One serving size is 2 tablespoons and contains about 50 calories, 1.5 grams fat, 0 cholesterol, 0 sodium, 3 grams fiber, 6 grams protein. It's a perfect accompaniment to this smoothie making this a great snack or meal any time of day! 

Banana Mandarin Hemp SmoothieBanana Mandarin Hemp SmoothieBanana Mandarin Hemp Smoothie

Gather your ingredients...

Banana Mandarin Hemp Protein Smoothie

and enjoy a glass of fresh beautiful goodness!

Banana Mandarin Hemp Protein Smoothie

Banana Mandarin Hemp Smoothie

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 good size mandarins or 3 small ones
  • handful spinach
  • 2 tablespoons hemp protein powder
  • 1/2 cup purified water + more as needed
  • 4 ice cubes

Place peeled banana & mandarins along with other ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. Ready in minutes! Serves one.


If using frozen bananas, eliminate the ice cubes and add 1/4 - 1/2 cup more water as needed. 

Double or triple this recipe for a meal. 

Try some kale if you like in place of the spinach. I've also ran out of greens and used micro greens or have just doubled up on the protein powder.


View this smoothie and many others at The Smoothies & Juices Best Recipes Pot Luck Party!

Cheers to good health and great smoothies. :)