
NEWS: The Winners of the Front Porch Giveaway Are...

I hope all of you have had great start to 2013! Using the same random generator from the last Ben & Jerry's giveaway, I've randomly selected the three winners.

The winner of the free pint coupon, 50% off coupon, and magnet is: Pamela Ocampo

The winner of the free pint coupon is: Carey Lastowka

The winner of the Front Porch ice cream scoop is: Anurag Prasad

I've issued emails/messages to the three winners. Although it's not required, I'd love to feature a fan review from the three of you showing how you use your prizes, if you're willing to take a few pictures and give us your somewhat-detailed account of the experience.

If both claim their prize by the end of the week then this giveaway is completed. If I fail to hear back from them, I'll select another random number. Stay tuned for more giveaways in the future!