
READER REVIEW: Bob's Review of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Fudge Core

Ben and Jerry's have now released a new line of flavors called their Core lineup, which features six new flavors with centers of either fudge, caramel or raspberry jam. It might be a revolutionary concept in theory if you can guarantee that every bite has every flavor, avoiding a common complaint about swirled flavors that might only have fudge in some parts. The second one I am going to try is the Peanut Butter Fudge Core. Being a peanut butter lover I am up to see if Ben & Jerry's can keep up with the previous products of What a Cluster, Peanut Butter World, and Candy Bar Pie which were some of the best pints I have ever had. First thing is first lets see what is under the lid and what Ben & Jerry's has to offer.

Upon opening the pint you see the surface layer, a small glimpse of a peanut butter cup, and a nice peanut butter fudge core. The pint labels this as chocolate and peanut butter ice cream with mini peanut butter cups and a peanut butter fudge core. The pint gives you everything you can ask for if you are a true peanut butter lover with a blend of chocolate to boot. Upon the first bite I dove right into the peanut butter core and let me tell you it's a good mix of a chocolate and peanut butter with a very dense and rich thick taste. It tastes like someone melted peanut butter and a Hershey's chocolate bar and put it as a glaze throughout the entire pint. The great thing is the core is not rock hard its very smooth and gel like when eating it. The peanut butter base is very similar to that in What a Cluster which is a major bonus (one of my favorite pints) and the chocolate is an improvement of the past when Ben & Jerry's re-did their chocolate base and improved it.

As you continue to eat through the pint you get to pick up more and more chunks of peanut butter cups, these resemble those small peanut butter cups (Reese Mini's) which you can find the grocery store or a local gas station, not real size peanut butter cups like in Peanut Butter Cup but on the smaller side. Not to mention the core continues to amplify as the pint goes down (Some state it tends to fade away) but mine continued and enlargened as i plowed towards the bottom. Overall this is a great pint, If you are a peanut butter and chocolate lover there is no reason you should not invest in this. No brainer here on my overall score. I tend to enjoy the core series very much. The core adds a great texture and consistency to the pint and provided with good mix-ins (peanut butter cups) and a peanut butter base (which Ben and Jerry's should do more often) this was a keeper. So far my favorite over Salted Caramel Core.

Where Bob Found It: Target (Erie, PA)
Bob's Grade: A