
REVIEW: Greenfield Pistachio

Pistachio ice cream is something of a conundrum for us. Most no-frill pistachio ice creams are uninspiring and only hold our attention for a few bites, but some of the smaller scale creameries are able to produce something completely captivating. We’ve seen it done recently with Gelato Fiasco’s Mascarpone Pistachio Caramel, so we were excited to see if Greenfield Ice Cream Company could do the same. If you enjoy pistachio ice cream, it’s hard to imagine a better looking first layer than the one pictured above.

It’s not often that we comment on the smell of an ice cream, usually because it’s subdued by the cold temperatures, but this pint didn’t have that problem. This one was floral and fresh and only topped by the actual taste. In addition to the top notch base, Greenfield also added a large helping of whole pistachios (as well as broken pieces in between). The result was one that kept our taste buds attentive for far longer than your average pistachio ice cream. With that said, we’d still take their PB ’n Chip.

Where I Found It: Greenfieldicecream.com
Grade: B