This first one may be the most adorable bunny I have ever seen. Reminds me of those "Dunny" dolls Jen likes:

Who's a cute widdle Dunny bunny? It's you, it's you!*
Next we have some fluffy bunny 'tocks. Jen thought the bottom texture looked a little like floral foam, but I think it's funky-cool.

This next one has an unusual color scheme for an Easter cake, but it's nice and the bunny on top is super well done:

As you all know, Jen is not overly fond of Easter lamb cakes. (Hey I just thought of a joke: What do you get when you eat most of an Easter cake? A quarter SHEEP cake! Booyah! Next stop, Reader's Digest!)
*ahem* As I was saying, Jen doesn't usually dig the lamb cakes - especially the smoking kind - but this one earned her seal of approval:

Personally I love the looks on their faces; like someone just jostled the cake and they all fell over. Cute!
And what would Easter be without a giant Easter egg and some lazy bunnies?**

From the embossed pattern in the chocolate fondant to the sweet little chick on the top, this is one gorgeous cake. I've kneaded and rolled my fair share of fondant, so I can tell you that that egg was not easy. (If I had done it, there would be a big jagged seam up the back and pleats all over the place.) Also, Jen says the colors are "faboo", which I think means "cool."
And finally, here's a cake that both Jen and I looked at for a moment and said, "Wow, it's beautiful - but what is it?"

After a few moments we figured out that it's an Easter bonnet with a bunny cameo on it. (It's probably hard to tell because the edges are slightly cropped.) The skill shown in that ribbon and feathers is super impressive.
Well, that's it for me. Thanks to everyone who sent in submissions, and Happy Easter!
** Great name for a rock band.