
NEWS: Changes to the Rankings

It's becoming clear that I need to start making some changes to the rating system I've been using since I started this blog. I've decided to replace the complicated x.x/10 model with a simple A-F grade scale. This will make things much easier on everyone, including myself. I contemplated using plus and minus ratings in addition to the A-F system, but that seems just as complicated as my previous method. I'm still going to retain my overall rankings portion of the site for those still interested. While I'll categorize each ice cream according to the letter grade they receive, I'll organize them in descending order depending on which I personally prefer. After asking some fellow ice cream lovers out there, Erick summed it up the best:

A - Awesome, can't miss.
B - Above average, might not be for everybody.
C - Meh. Pedestrian.
D - Bleh. Only seek it out if you're a fan of the flavor/theme.
F - Do not want.

Over the next week I'll begin to translate all my previous reviews and will continue to use this method from here on out. I'll also be adding an ice cream of the month award with yearly accolades going to the best ice cream in each category. Thanks for all the continued support!