
REVIEW: Baskin Robbins Jamoca Almond Fudge

With all the coffee ice creams we've posted reviews of lately, it was time to see how Baskin Robbins and their Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream stacked up against the stiff competition. Similar to Mocha Almond Fudge from Blue Bell, Baskin Robbins brings together coffee ice cream with roasted almonds & chocolate flavored ribbon.

The first layer looked unorganized, but after taking a few bites and seeing that practically every spoonful included all three main ingredients, we didn't mind the clutter. The base ice cream was simple, smooth and went well with the soft almonds and thick stripes of rich, dark chocolate slicing throughout the carton. All in all, another winner for Baskin Robbins, but not quite on the same level as some other top tier coffee ice creams we've reviewed.

Where I Found It: Baskin-Robbins
Grade: B