
REVIEW: Phin & Phebes Dark Chocolate Salty Caramel

After bringing together sweetened peanut butter and salted pretzel bits in Peanutty Pretzel, the second of Phin & Phebes most recent releases also looked to combine contrasting flavors. This time they’ve opted for a mixture of dark, rich and fudgy chocolate ice cream with salty caramel. They describe their new Dark Chocolate Salty Caramel by writing, “The mysteries of the Universe unravel with every bit of this dark chocolate ice cream sprinkled with salty caramel to form an outrageously rich and delicious treat.” Up to this point, salt-infused bases had been attempted exclusively with caramel, but Phin & Phebes puts a uniquely New York, chocolate twist directly into the ice cream itself.

This base only offering tips the scales at 230 calories per serving, which is right in line with many of the other super-premium ice creams from Phin & Phebes and ensures a slow-melting, dense consistency. Despite the fact that this contains 14% butterfat, the base retains a fluffier feel than much of the competition; but is still fully capable of delivering a full-bodied flavor. After sampling my first bite of Dark Chocolate Salty Caramel, I’m taken back by the bold, robust flavors flowing throughout. Unlike some of the bigger brands, these small, craft ice cream operations can stand to take more chances with their creations since they’re catering to a certain market. This is exemplified by the amount of salt involved.

The result is one of the saltiest ice creams I’ve seen. Although this may not sound too enticing to some, this really allows the flavors from the dark, rich chocolate and buttery caramel to flourish. Each bite contains a complex adventure through many different tastes that proves to be more than enough to keep me occupied; even without the assistance of mix-ins. The unique combination is something you’ll be hard pressed to find elsewhere and after completing the pint, just may be my new favorite chocolate ice cream.

Where I Found It: Phin & Phebes Shipment (also available here)
Grade: A