
NEWS: Having Trouble Transporting Your Ice Cream? These Cheap, Insulated Bags From Walmart May Be The Solution.

While it may not be a problem for others, I typically find myself dealing with the hassle of keeping ice cream frozen on rides back home. While a drive of 30 minutes or less may be okay without the aid of refrigeration, some hard-to-find flavors may require more work. On more than one occasion I’ve had to resort to keeping a Styrofoam cooler in my trunk, purchasing the ice cream and then buying a bag of ice to pour on top in order to keep things frozen. A cooler can take up some serious space and I've been looking for an alternative for some time now. As I was strolling through Walmart yesterday, I ran across a solid solution for a super-low price. For just $2.00 you can score this insulated bag that could be kept in your car at all times. Throw your ice cream in this bag with some ice and you should be good for hours before your ice cream melts away.