
Who Wants The Opportunity To Try My Two Favorite Flavors from New Orleans Ice Cream Company?

So here's your chance to try two flavors that most people have trouble tracking down. My two favorites from New Orleans Ice Cream Company, Mardi Gras Pie and Cafe Au Lait & Beignets are both sitting in my freezer as we speak. I've already indulged in way too much of these incredible creations, so I propose a barter for anyone willing to put in the work. If we can figure out the logistics, cost can be kept to a minimum, AND you have two unique, unavailable-to-me flavors you'd be willing to dry ice and ship to me in North Carolina, I'll do the same for you with two of my beloved, unopened cartons. Flavors like Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Crunch, 2nd Street Creamery's Can't Tell Me No! Cookie Dough and any hard to find flavors from Jeni's or SoCo Creamery come to mind. Email me at theicecreaminformant@gmail.com if anyone is interested!