
READER REVIEW: Kenneth's Review of Talenti's Limited Edition Peanut Butter Chocolate Pretzel (Southeast Publix Exclusive)

After one of our readers tipped us off to a new flavor from Talenti Gelato, it didn’t take long before we were able to track down a Reader Review for Peanut Butter Chocolate Pretzel. This limited edition offering is currently only being offered in Publix Super Markets in the Southeast, but may be expanded in the future (I’m guessing it will depend on sales). Kenneth has submitted a few Reader Reviews already, so I trust his opinion on the new flavor. Be sure to check out some of his other reviews over on his own blog: RecapHub.

Sad to say, but Talenti is about as good as premium frozen desserts get here in Stuart, Florida. This isn't to naysay them, Haagen-Dazs or Ben & Jerry's, but it would be nice to have access to stuff like New Orleans Ice Cream Company, Jeni's Splendid, Turkey Hill and Steve's. Regardless, my relative inexperience with Talenti, combined with news that they'd release a new, area-specific flavor meant only one thing: attentiveness at the store. And surely enough, one visit to Publix proved far more successful than all of my attempts to locate Ben & Jerry's Cotton Candy at Wal-Mart.

Before this, my only exposure to Talenti (and gelato in general) was with Mediterranean Mint, a strange-tasting amalgamation of mint and shredded dark chocolate. What I truly enjoyed about said gelato, however, was the soft and moist consistency. There was never any need to let it sit outside of the freezer; the borderline melted texture was always a constant. Between this and the enticing combination of peanut butter, chocolate and pretzels, my expectations for round two with Talenti were quite high.

Something that quickly caught my eye was the vegetarian claim on the container (amidst others). Sadly for any vegans, the prime ingredient is milk. For the rest of us, there's little guilt to be had. My initial dig is stiffer than I expected, given all the easy scoopings through Mediterranean Mint. Another surprise comes when I obtain a pretzel in this first scoop. As expected, however, these equate to half-stick pretzel bites, which provide an inconsistent texture within the gelato. The first victim is stiff and soft--as if stale, while the second crunches apart far more naturally. Yet others exhibit similar symptoms to the first, which throws the pleasantries of this flavor off.

The actual base is predominantly peanut butter with varying amounts of chocolate coming into play. If you like your peanut butter to taste sweet and milky, then this is the product for you. Talenti provide a top-notch combination of flavor and consistency here. The peanut flavor is so surprising that I begin to think I'm tasting coffee, but the persistent flavor snaps me back to reality as I savor the wondrous flavor and texture. Those who prefer just the right amount of chocolate to complement their peanut butter will definitely find a lot to admire here. For me, when the chocolate doesn't accompany the pretzel bites, it lingers and gives me just enough of what I want to enhance not just the peanut butter flavor, but the overall experience.

Now I'm truly beginning to understand the praise and craze over Talenti. Peanut Butter Chocolate Pretzel appears to be but one more reminder of the quality Talenti are capable of and, subsequently, bestow upon the public. The only thing holding this particular pint back is the inconsistent consistency of the pretzel bites, which still provide a nice, salty enhancement for both the chocolate and peanut butter flavors. My only other concern would be whether Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup provides the same euphoria of this one, minus the off-key pretzel bites. But from the looks of things, that one incorporates a chocolate base. So if you live in an area that carries this pint and want to see how Talenti handle peanut butter flavored gelato, go ahead and indulge your spirits.

Where Kenneth Found It: Publix
Kenneth's Grade: B