
READER REVIEW: Winston's Review of Cold Fusion Peanut Butter Cup Gelato

Being a calorie conscious individual that is a huge fan of all things peanut butter, and a particular fan of pretty much any form of peanut butter cups, Cold Fusions “Peanut Butter Cup Gelato” seemed like the perfect desert. Further, I simply had to know how this surprisingly low calorie (200 per serving) dessert racked up against its calorie-rich competitors.

Lifting the lid revealed a relatively basic chocolate surface with no distinguishable peanut butter cups or solids. My first taste of the base didn’t arouse my palate: a basic milk chocolate presence with moderate notes of peanut butter; not remotely as rich as Graeter’s Chocolate Peanut butter base in “Buckeye Blitz”; a relatively weak cacao presence (about on par with Turkey Hill, Edy’s and Klondike). The second bite: the same. Disappointed with the base, I hoped the peanut butter cups would redeem this desert. I dug deeper into the pint, and after 8-10 spoonfuls, I found no solids. Then it struck me: there aren’t any peanut butter cups. It’s “Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup” flavored gelato, but definitely not labeled as such. What a disappointment.

Comparing this dessert to anything “Peanut Butter Cup” is an insult to the concept. Comparing the base to Graeter’s or anything premium is like comparing a Ford Fiesta to a BMW M3—it’s not a very good base.

Where Winston Found It: Whole Foods Market
Winston's Grade: C