
Weee Are The Champions...

We won!

Thanks so much to all of you who voted for CW in the '09 BlogLuxe Awards; because of you, Cake Wrecks WON in the Funniest Blog category. (You may now commence rejoicing.)

Since I don't think the winners have been released online yet, here's the breakdown according to SocialLuxe's Twitter feed (the winners were announced live at the Blogher conference last Thursday.) Also, there were two winners in each category:

Blogs We've Learned the Most From: I Heart Faces & The Pioneer Woman Cooks

Most Inspiring Blog: Nie Nie Dialogues & The Spohrs are Multiplying

Most Provocative Blog: The Bloggess & Her Bad Mother

Tastiest Blog : This Week For Dinner & The Pioneer Woman Cooks

Funniest Blog: Cake Wrecks (Woohoo!) & Mommy Wants Vodka

Best Eye Candy Blog: I Should Be Folding Laundry & whatever

Guiltiest Pleasure Blog: MamaPop & Craftastrophe

Congradulations to all the winners & nominees - Under Neat that, Y'all Rock!