
READER REVIEW: Mo's Review of Gifford's Maine Lobster Tracks

After having sampled the amazing Campfire S’mores presented by Gifford’s at the recent New Jersey Ice Cream Festival, I was eager to dig into the small supply of Gifford’s flavors I had stashed away in my freezer. From the moment I even heard the name, I was intrigued by Maine Lobster Tracks.

The packaging assures that this ice cream does not contain any actual lobster, but rather these little lobster-colored, caramel-filled chocolate cups. Now I’ll admit that at first, the red coloring was a bit of a turnoff. But I got over that very quickly.

This flavor sports a rich vanilla base that’s ramped up by the addition of not only the little lobster pieces, but also what the carton describes as an éclair crunch. The éclair crunch itself tastes like an awesome candy bar you’d want to nibble on slowly, just savoring every spectacular bite. If they sold the candy bar version as a standalone item, I’d buy it. And combined with the vanilla, it works absolute wonders, offering that perfect contrast to the smooth, perfectly churned base. And if there’s one thing I have to say about Gifford’s, it’s that they’re more than generous with their mix-ins. That éclair crunch is just all over the place, and in a very good way.

Now let’s talk about the lobster pieces. To me, they don’t actually taste like caramel-filled chocolate cups but rather white chocolate pieces. Actually, at one point I kind of thought they tasted like candy corn bits taken down a notch. Maybe it’s because they’re fairly small, but for me, the caramel isn’t really coming through. And you know what? That’s perfectly fine, because these crazy little lobster creations are just plain yummy. And because they’re so sweet, Gifford’s nailed it by keeping them small and using the vanilla base to offset that sugary influx. Plus, they add a bit of a chewy texture to the ice cream, which combined with the éclair crunch makes this flavor a winner.

And I have to say, I’m pretty impressed that Gifford’s managed to pull this baby off for only 190 calories per serving. Considering the richness of the vanilla and the abundance of mix-ins, I wouldn’t have been shocked had it topped the 200-mark. All in all, this is one of the most playful, unique flavors I’ve had all year, and if I’m fortunate enough to spot it again, I’ll definitely be picking up some more.

Where Mo Found It: Delicious Orchards (Colts Neck, NJ)
Grade: A