
READER REVIEW: Winston's Review of Jeni's Splendid Rockmill Chocolate Blackout Cake Terrine

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Cake baked by Jeni? Yes please. During a recent visit to Jeni’s I decided to investigate their chocolate cake offering: Rockmill Chocolate Blackout Cake Terrine. Described as “alternating layers of Dark Chocolate ice cream and chocolate-syrup soaked cake crumbles made with Rockmill Dubbel beer”, it sounded quite intriguing. As you can see form my pictures, its extraordinarily aesthetically pleasing—it had been taunting me on every single previous visit to the shop; I had to try it.

Not knowing whether it would be dry and bland like pretty much 95% of all cakes, I opted for a side of their whipped cream. As I watched as the kind gentleman at the shop transferred their homemade whipped cream from a large steal mixing bowl, I knew I was in for a treat. The presentation of the final product proved incredible.

The first bite: Extremely moist and rich premium chocolate cake; absolutely knee-weakening and potent dark chocolate ice cream; a complete sensory overload of extraordinarily satisfying proportions. This is probably one of the top 3 cakes I’ve ever had. The cake itself is remarkably moist, exactly on par with the chocolate, alcohol infused cake of Steve’s BKLYN Blackout. The density and richness of this cake is so severe, that it took me nearly 15 minutes to finish this slice.

The dark chocolate base is the best and richest chocolate base on the market. If you haven’t tried it yet, and can afford one of Jeni’s pints or desserts at her shop, you definitely want to try it. It’s better than Ben and Jerry’s “Chocolate”, Haagen-Dazs’ “Chocolate”, and any variation of any other premium creamery. Paired with the ultra-moist cake, the overall finished product is a champion of desserts. (On a side note: the whipped cream added nothing to the dessert. When paired with the cake and/or ice cream in a bite, the richness of the chocolate completely overpowered the meager strength of the whipped cream.)

Where Winston Found It: Jeni's Splendid
Winston's Grade: A