
REVIEW: Klondike Cookies & Cream Kandy Bars

Time and time again we walked past these new Klondike Kandy Bars before finally giving in and picking up a box of four. At only 190 calories, these would serve as nice option for curbing a sweets craving, but the elongated description of the Cookies & Cream version we chose served as some reason to worry: artificially flavored vanilla light ice cream with dark chocolate crunch pieces topped with chocolate fudge, in a white chocolate flavored coating with dark chocolate crunch. Any item involving the terms "artificial" and "light" typically already start out at a disadvantage. While the differing textures of the crunchy, white chocolate coating, the soft, quick melting ice cream inside and the thin layer of chocolate fudge were nicely done, the low-calorie taste left us with little choice but to rank these even lower than average. Unless these are on sale or you're a dedicated fan to Klondike products, we'd suggest passing on the new Kandy Bar lineup.

Where I Found It: Walmart
Grade: D