
READER REVIEW: Mo's Review of Perry's Pumpkin Pie

There’s just something about the start of cool, crisp fall weather that makes me long for all things pumpkin. Whether it’s in the form of baked goods, a latte, or even a hearty stew, pumpkin is the one thing that’s pretty much guaranteed to make my taste buds very, very happy. So it made perfect sense that I found myself craving a bowl of pumpkin ice cream yesterday, and thankfully, I had wisely stashed a carton of Perry’s Pumpkin Pie in my deep freezer back when I stocking up during the summer.

This flavor is described as "pumpkin ice cream with swirls of whipped cream flavored ice cream and pie crust pieces.” Since I'm a fan of ice cream with contrast and crunch, I was really excited at the notion of getting some nice crust action mixed in with my ice cream. And the whipped cream swirl most certainly had me intrigued.

When I first popped open the lid, I was pleased to see the swirl already peeking through. And although I couldn’t immediately see any pie pieces, I wasn’t very worried since Perry’s is usually pretty solid when it comes to mix-ins.

I decided to try a taste of the base by itself before sampling it with the other components at play. The pumpkin flavor on its own definitely lived up to my expectations, which meant we were off to a good start. I then took a giant spoonful of ice cream that included the base’s accompaniments, and once again, I was by no means disappointed.

This flavor is essentially awesome pumpkin pie in a bowl. I was worried that the whipped cream swirl would wind up tasting artificial, but that isn’t the case at all. This flavor strikes the perfect balance of fall spice and sweetness. If I were to knock it at all, I’d say the one thing I would’ve wanted is a stronger pie piece presence. It’s not that Perry’s was stingy with the mix-ins; it’s just that the pie pieces are very heavily integrated into the base, which makes for a less obvious degree of contrast. But while the pie pieces aren't as prominent as those you'll find in Turkey Hill's Pumpkin Pie (one of my all-time favorites because of that pumpkin pie swirl alone), they still do a nice job of building up the flavor.

All in all, this is a really solid fall offering, and it sports the richness and creaminess that Perry’s is known for. In fact, now that I’ve had some, I’m suddenly motivated to go bake a pumpkin pie for the sole purpose of being able to top it with a scoop of this delightful concoction.

Where Mo Found It: Wegmans
Mo's Grade: A