
READER REVIEW: Raghavan's Review of Blue Bell Malt Shoppe

While looking to buy some of my favorite Blue Bell flavors from the grocery store, my eyes were instantly drawn to the bright, light blue color of the Blue Bell Malt Shoppe ice cream carton. While the color was exciting, the description on the front of the carton was a bit less so: “Chocolate Malt Ice Cream with Malted Milk Balls”. Still, I’m not one to pass up trying a new flavor, so I gave it a shot.

Opening up the carton, the ice cream itself has a slightly rougher texture than other Blue Bell ice creams I’ve tried. There were also bits of malt balls poking through the surface. The ice cream itself was slightly sweeter and much lighter and less chocolate-y than Blue Bell’s own chocolate ice cream, and made for a great base as it was not overwhelming, even after eating an entire pint. The malted balls were also very enjoyable, and seemed to be the exact same as Hershey’s Whoppers. There was a decent amount of malt balls in the ice cream, but without any other mix-ins, the pint became somewhat bland towards the end.

While the flavor of both the malt chocolate ice cream and malted balls were both great, the lack of any other mix-ins means I will probably skip this flavor the next time. However, at 170 calories a pint, it is definitely a decent choice to try at least once. I would love to see the same malt chocolate base in another ice cream with more and different mix-ins.

Where Raghavan Found It: Kroger
Raghavan's Grade: C