
READER REVIEW: Ryan's Review of Haagen Dazs Bananas Foster (7-Eleven Exclusive)

Bananas. Who doesn't like them? Well a lot of people I'm sure, but for those of us who enjoy the yellow peel-able fruit Haagen Dazs has provided a 7-Eleven exclusive that is sure to please. At one point in time, I had come to the conclusion I just might not have been lucky enough to try this 7-Eleven exclusive. Failed attempts at finding Haagen Dazs Bananas Foster proved to be typical every time I entered a 7-Eleven until one random afternoon miraculously sitting in the the wrong section of the frozen goods sat this pint, in all of its shiny glory.

I'm a big fan of banana based deserts so ideally this one is right up my alley. This would mark my first time having anything bananas foster related so I am both skeptical and intrigued and there is no better way to approach a new ice cream. I open the lid and see a light yellow base and little specs of what look to be cinnamon or some other spice used in the swirl possibly. The scent of banana is strong and that is expected as Haagen Dazs always to me has had a sense of fresh and quality every time I've got a chance to scoop an offering from them. I take my spoon and eagerly scoop a good sized portion. Im happy to note my spoon clashed with the swirl the first scoop out of the pint and that is always a good sign. What I initially got was a banana and cinnamon flavor with almost a slight hint of what seemed to be a rum flavor. Its a well executed combination that easily had me poised for scoop two.

Considering this is a base and swirl only flavor, it tastes exceptional. Maybe I lean towards a high rank on this pint due to my soft spot for banana flavor, but honestly I would rate this a quality flavor even if I wasn't a fan of the theme. The base is completely banana focused and there is no other component that accompanies it. Due to this, instead of getting a subtle banana extract taste, you get a full on banana like experience and that to me is worthy of an A. The swirl, as stated before, is cinnamon by taste, but has a rum kickback that isn't overpowering and trust me that alcoholic taste can really make or break a dessert of any kind and Haagen Dazs kept it mild, which was smart. Combined, the flavors are in perfect harmony and alone they are just as good. Im really glad I found this flavor, but unfortunately have yet to find it again. With all this being said...if you find it try it!

Where Ryan Found It: 7-Eleven
Ryan's Grade: A