
REVIEW: High Road Bourbon Burnt Sugar

French Toast and Caffeine & Cacao had peeked my interest. Peanut Butter Brittle had forever secured a spot for High Road in my freezer. Despite seeing how effective their flavors with chunks of mix-ins could be, that didn't stop me from continuing to sample some of their unique base flavors. Claiming to be their most popular flavor, Bourbon Burnt Sugar sure sounds enticing.

The above description tries to persuade me that this could easily be substituted for a nice, after-dinner glass of high quality Bourbon. Tending to form my opinions through taste, I waste no time tearing off the top. What the manilla-colored ice cream lacks in looks, it makes up for in aroma. The overly sweet smell has an underlying alcohol scent that discloses the adult beverage lurking inside this batch. The impressive fragrance has me forecasting some serious complexity.

Digging my spoon deep into the container, my first impression has to do with the density. Much thicker than I had assumed, I'm surprised this selection tipped the scales at under 200 calories per serving. As soon as the first bite of Bourbon Burnt Sugar hit my tongue, I could tell that complexity wouldn't be an issue. This dense, velvety blend of flavors started with strong hints of butter and the ideal amount of alcohol, but ended with the overly sweet sensation of torched sugar.

One thing I've learned about High Road through my previous taste tests is that you can never be too sure about whether or not their flavors are going to meander towards mild or blow you away with boldness. This does neither. Beginning with a buttery base, toting notes of vanilla extract, High Road added the exemplary amount of top-notch Bourbon whiskey. The taste of choice Bourbon is chased away quickly by the perfect parting note, crème brûlée'd sugar. Not overly sweetened like Ben & Jerry's Crème Brûlée, Bourbon Burnt Sugar has just the quintessential amount of all ingredients, but knowing how incredible this could be with some additional mix-ins, a serious ceiling has been imposed.

Where I Found It: The Fresh Market
Grade: C