
REVIEW: Greenfield Sticky Pecan (Sticky Bun)

After an impressive introduction to Greenfield Ice Cream Company with their PB 'n Chip, PistachioCinnamon flavors, we were ready to review some more from this New York based creamery. "Imagine if you can, rich vanilla ice cream with lots of candied pecans and a cinnamon swirl with Crown Maple Syrup drizzled throughout." That sentence alone from Greenfield's website left no doubt as to which flavor we'd be trying first when our latest order arrived. Donning the authentic Crown Maple seal, Sticky Pecan (or Sticky Bun as listed on their website) is inspired by one of our favorite pastries and looks like it can live up to the hype after lifting off the lid.

The first layer showed off plenty of the candied pecans, cinnamon swirl, and once we tasted the vanilla ice cream, the Crown Maple Syrup showed itself as well. As we worked our way towards the bottom of the pint with our gold tasting spoon, things got even better. The candied pecans grew larger and more plentiful as each bite seemed better than the last. At a precise 252 calories per serving, over a 1000 calories for the whole container kept us from killing the whole pint, but we wanted to.

While we were infatuated with the candied pecans and the cinnamon/maple syrup swirls, the vanilla bean base is what makes Sticky Bun so effective. With a foundation like this, it would be hard to mess up with mix-ins, but when a company pairs high-quality, well thought out additions with an already capable ice cream, you get a top scoring selection such as this one. Greenfield's Sticky Pecan was certainly deserving of an A and we're sure some of the other pints in our package will end up with the same top score.

Where I Found It: Greenfieldicecream.com
Grade: A