
REVIEW: Jeni's Splendid Dark Chocolate

Having scoured through the freezers of every Fresh Market I find myself near, this pint of Jeni's Dark Chocolate was the last of the six available flavors in my area. Worthy of it's dark name, this was so dim it bordered on being black. Fortunately for my taste buds and I, my preference tends to lean towards dark chocolate by nature, so despite the price, this was too hard to resist. Complexity seems to be a given when it comes to Jeni's flavors, but simple bases like Salty Caramel seem to be even more complex than those including mix-ins.

Jeni's descriptions are usually as accurate as they come, laying out the journey you're about to embark on. After reading the summary above, I'm hoping this one is spot-on as well. I've come accustomed to having Jeni's pints filled to the brim and this is no exception. The dark color and rich smell give little indication of the ride I'm about to take. Scooping out my first bite, it's hard to ignore the dense, thick feel of this premium ice cream.

A flavor that certainly sits heavy on the tongue, Jeni's Dark Chocolate has one of the most velvety textures I've tested. Sporting a complexity that has become consistent when dealing with this brand, the flavors continually change as the thick substance breaks down. Fruity notes of high-quality, gourmet chocolate frolic about inside my mouth. The lack of mix-ins allows the consumer to fully appreciate just how special some of these Jeni's selections are. Dark Chocolate fully lives up to the promises of mouth-filling and palate-gripping.

Thicker than your standard fare, the fudge-like texture is hard to overlook. Perfectly described as usual, taking a bite of this while reading the description results in the feeling that someone is narrating my experience. The writer of these ice cream vignettes is a true talent. It's hard to describe taste sometimes, and the author here always hits the nail on the head. So much, infact, that whomever that may be has solved one of my frustrating dilemmas. Whenever I indulge in a rich, dark flavor I find myself searching for something to quench my thirst within a few bites.

It wasn't until I read the portion talking about the pleasingly dry finish that I realize what was actually happening. Much like a fine wine, this leaves you parched, but not enough to offset your desire for more. The character of this chocolate ice cream deserves your undivided attention. Despite having high expectations due to the price tag and previous personal experience, Jeni's delivers again with Dark Chocolate.

Where I Found It: The Fresh Market
Grade: B