Ok, fine. A LOT geeky.
However, just because I enjoy quoting Monty Python and polishing my Star Trek collectibles doesn't mean I don't have my girly side. Fact is, I'm a total sucker for the cute. So today, allow me to present a lineup of cakes so stinkin' adorable that I've melted right here in my chair, and am now typing this with puddle fingers.

What, or who, is it? No idea. But with its lethal adorableness, it must be Japanese.
[Update: I've been told this is a "Slime from an MMO called MapleStory." So there's that explained. And apparently, it's Korean.]
Why does Japan lead the world in all things cute, anyway? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I think everything would probably be better with big eyes and cutesy colors:

These little guys are meringue candies, and I want the whole set, on my desk, NOW:

Especially the little dog with the green ears. So. Cute.
I've been in love with this next cake since the moment I stumbled across it nearly 2 years ago:
I just love those lines and colors; it reminds me of some of my favorite art styles.
Here's a cutie-patootie turtle:
And I suppose no post on adorable confections would be complete without Hello Kitty making an appearance:
I can't claim to be much of a HK fan, but again, cuteness is always aces with me - and this cake has it in spades. (Card puns ftw!)
Have a cake to nominate for Sunday Sweets? Then send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
- Similar Sweets: Off-the-Shelf Cuteness