The events will be set up the same as before, meaning there will be free cake provided by local bakeries, a fun slide show hosted by yours truly and John, a Q&A time, and of course the Wreckplica contest, complete with fabulous prizes.
To help us know how much cake and space we'll need, please RSVP if you think you'll be able to attend by clicking on the appropriate city name below.
Thanks, and see some of you soon!
Kansas City
(technically Overland Park, KS)
Barnes & Noble
Monday, Nov 2nd, 6PM
New York
(Greenwich Village)
Barnes & Noble
Tuesday, Nov 3rd, 7:30PM
Bethesda, MD
Barnes & Noble
Thursday, Nov 5th, 7PM
Boston, MA
Barnes & Noble
Sunday, Nov 8th, 2PM
Atlanta, GA
Barnes & Noble
Monday, Nov 9th, 7PM