
Black Chickpea Halwa/Kala Channa Halwa

Chickpeas are high in fibre and protein,and the have a low gylcemic index.This powerful combination can 
help control your weight.I had this halwa in my shoba aunt home.Its very delicious and  melts in mouth.I made this halwa with jaggery.This alwa is perfect to have after lunch.Hope you like this.
Happy Diwali to all my blogger Friends.

What you need

200g Black chickpea
100g jaggery
1/2 cup grated coconut
3 cardomam pads
4 teaspoon ghee

How to proceed

Soak black chickpea for 4 hours and pressure cooked it for 15 minutes.
Grind it into a smooth paste.
Heat pan add chickpea paste and saute it for 2 minutes.

Now add jaggery into it .
Now add ghee and cardomam pads to mix well for 5minutes.
Finally add the grated coconut to mix it well.
Yummy halwa is ready to serve.