
NEWS: Jeni's Splendid Releases Their Thanksgiving Collection

The Ohio-based company, Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams, recently released their Thanksgiving Collection, which consists of: Maple Walnut, Sweet Potato with Torched Marshmallow, Cranberry Royale Sorbet and Pumpkin 5-Spice. For those with deep pockets, you can order all four for the price of $48.00 plus shipping from Jeni's website. Perhaps I'll just forgo Thanksgiving dinner all together and order the four course meal above.

Jeni's Splendid also released a rather interesting video of just how exactly their Sweet Potato with Torched Marshmallows is made. From the garden to your spoon, you see how dedicated this group is to producing top-notch seasonal flavors using the freshest ingredients available.