
REVIEW: Ben & Jerry's Ron Burgundy's Scotchy Scotch Scotch (Limited Batch)

With the release of Anchorman 2 in just a little over a month, Ben & Jerry’s latest release teamed up with Will Ferrell’s alter-ego, Ron Burgundy to create Scotchy Scotch Scotch. This butterscotch ice cream with butterscotch swirls should slowly be makings its way into supermarkets, but is already available in scoop shops nationwide. Considering Scotchy Scotch Scotch pushed back the anticipated scoop shop to pint form release of Candy Bar Pie, this better be well worth the delay.

At 280 calories per serving, the ingredient list seems pretty short, but after lifting off the lid, it’s evident that a good portion of this pint is made up of an impressive-looking butterscotch swirl. In past experiences with flavors like Vanilla Caramel Fudge, Ben & Jerry’s really steps up their effort when a swirl is the focal point of a flavor. The base is dense, rich and possessed a bold and powerful butterscotch taste from start to finish.

The butterscotch intensity is taken up quite a few notches when a bite contained a nice portion of the thick swirl. This swirl not only amplified the taste, but the texture caught me completely off guard. I’d first had the butterscotch flakes in Rockin’ Blondies, but this complex swirl also seemed to feature the same sugary shards. The level of enjoyment you’ll get out of Ben & Jerry’s latest flavor will obviously depend on how much you like butterscotch in general, but if you’re a fan like me, this one is a nice addition to the Ben & Jerry’s lineup if even only for a few months.

Where I Found It: Food Lion
Grade: B