
READER REVIEW: Kenneth's Review of Ben & Jerry's Mississippi Mud Pie (Limited Edition)

I'm almost surprised Ben & Jerry's didn't put some reference to the band Mountain on their latest flavor, Mississippi Mud Pie. Based on one of the more indulgent-looking pies out there, this imitation looks to bring a much-needed change of pace, given the less interesting Ben & Jerry's flavors of recent. Its timing might not be the most opportune, but the promise of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with "chocolate cake pieces & a chocolate mousse swirl" is certainly tough to pass up.

The mousse swirl pops right up, creating most of the traction between the lid and initial layer. Like always, the chocolate base is immediately apparent, chock full of rich density. Getting the mousse swirl in every bite is almost inevitable, while the cake pieces have a moderate showcase. The overall flavor profile isn't unlike Chocolate Fudge Brownie, especially since the vanilla ice cream takes a bit of a backseat. This comparison comes from how compacted the cake pieces feel amidst everything else. Most people might start thinking of them as little brownie bites.

Another similarity could probably be found between this and Chocolate Therapy. Though I've yet to try said flavor, the consistency of the mousse swirl doesn't feel too far off from what a pudding swirl might be like. Admittedly, there's a chewier consistency to find, but it melts down and blends with the ice cream in a way that's seamless and complementary, but also quite distinguishable.

Take every bit of Mississippi Mud Pie into account, and you've got a winner. While this is fundamentally lots of chocolate with a bit of vanilla, the nuances of flavor are always there. Factor in varying degrees of meltiness and chewiness and you'll be done with a pint before you know it. It's a shame then, that Mississippi Mud Pie is a limited, exclusive batch (Wal-Mart), because it's definitely one of Ben & Jerry's best flavors as of recent.

Where Kenneth Found It: Walmart
Kenneth's Grade: A