
Sunday Sweets: The Cutest Christmas Cupcakes

I'm still occasionally accused of hating on cupcakes, when we should all be in agreement by now that it is only cupcake cakes (aka CCCs) that deserve our white-hot hatred and ridicule.

But cupcakes alone? Nooo problem. In fact, I rather like them. Here, I'll prove it to you: these seasonal sweets make me positively gooey inside.

(Made by Studio Cake & submitted by Amanda A.)

Bakerella never fails to bring the cute:

And in case you missed it last year, check out her brilliant snow globe cupcakes:

She even provides instructions on how to make your own here.

I never knew sprinkles could look this elegant:

(Made by Kuidaore & submitted by Madeleine B.)

Abbietabbie has oodles of exquisite cupcake designs. Here are two of my favs:

And finally, check out these awww-fully adorable Baby's First Christmas cupcakes:

By Mossy's Masterpiece
(Lots more cuteness at the link, too - check it out.)

- Similar Sweets: Winter Wonderland


What I learned today: Cleft lip & palate is the #1 birth defect in developing countries - over 200,00 kids are born with one every year, often leaving them unable to eat or speak. Today's charity, Operation Smile, provides free surgeries to these children. And get this: each surgery only costs $240!
So let's see how many smiles we can bring today, eh?

Click here to donate via our First Giving page.