
READER REVIEW: Bob's Review of Wegmans Scrapin' The Bowl

Wegmans Premium Ice Cream doesn’t get a lot of talk because it’s a Northeast based supermarket chain that originated in Buffalo. The reason I wanted to try this is because not only does the manager endorse it (go figure), but also because he’s pretty diverse in his ice cream taste and has tried flavors from Steve’s, Jeni’s, Graeter’s, Ben & Jerry’s and 2nd Street Creamery. He claims that this sells well and the majority of people seem to favor it over Ben & Jerry’s. Recently they revamped their premium flavor lineup and came out with a few new flavors. I’d already had their Peanut Butter and Jelly, Jamocha Almond Fudge, and Cookie Dough from their previous line and they were much better than the many of the basic flavors out there. This time I decided to go with Wegmans Scrapin’ the Bowl: vanilla and chocolate ice cream with chunks of cookie dough and brownie dough pieces.

I love cookie dough and enjoy brownies, so I figured it was worth a shot to see how this stacked up against the other premium brands on the market. Going into this pint, I had some decent expectations based off what I’d seen in the past, but I was anxious to see if Wegmans was really better than other options. The chocolate and vanilla base ice creams were both better than what I usually find in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, especially the chocolate. My pint seemed to have more chocolate than vanilla and seemed more along the lines of cake batter as far as taste was concerned. It wasn’t overly sweet like some, but very refreshing overall.

The chunks of cookie dough and brownie dough pieces were both great as well. The cookie dough pieces came into play as soon as I broke the surface and were scattered throughout the entire pint. The brownie dough bits were much smaller and not like the pieces of actual brownie you’d find in some other flavors. Overall, the pint was good and a great change of pace from the premium brands people typically review. After the great combination of ice cream and mix-ins found in Scrapin’ the Bowl, I may check out their Peanut Butter Cup and Banana-a-Peel’n flavor soon.

Where Bob Found It: Wegmans
Bob's Grade: B