
Raw Fruit Tartlet

Raw Fruit Tartlet
Raw Fruit Tartlet

These were just something special. So colorful, simple and delicious! A classic fruit tart, the kind I remember enjoying with mixed fruit. We had this wonderful little grocery store in Claremont, Ca called Wolfe's Market that sold fruit tarts in their bakery and I would always pick one up when in the area. I love fruit, I love creams and the crust was just an added bonus. I must say that having had theirs, and now this one, I much rather prefer and love this raw version. After eating it I felt cool, refreshed and wanting another. Makes for a great breakfast or dessert that won't leave you feeling weighed down in the least. You can be sure that every ingredient is beneficial and I know you will love this raw fruit tart as much as I do. 

Raw Fruit Tartlet Crust

I happen to have little mini cake pans to use as a mold. They're about three inches in diameter and were inexpensive for a set of three, but I only used two for this recipe. If using the classic tartlet molds you should get about three with the crust amount, to get all six double the crust recipe. The fruit tarts held up great. The crust stayed in place and didn't become soggy, even after being in the refrigerator overnight. But if making these for parties, for best appearance I recommend serving within a couple hours of making. All in all, everything held up fantastic and it was quite delicious!

Raw Fruit Tartlet

Raw Fruit Tart

Crust (makes 2 -3)
  • 1 cup almonds or walnuts, or combo (I used almonds)
  • 5 medjool dates
  • dash or two of cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons water, divided

Make your cashew sweet cream and keep in the fridge for at least three hours. This can also be made a day or two ahead.

Make your crust by combining all the ingredients, except water, into a food processor/blender and blend until combined and somewhat chunky. Add one tablespoon of water, process until dough forms. Add the extra tablespoon of water if needed. I used it but you may find in your climate or altitude that you may not need it. We don't want the dough too wet, just enough so that it combines nicely. Cover and place in refrigerator for 20 min to stiffen a bit.

While dough is setting, prepare your fruits and set aside.

Using molds of choice, line each with a piece of saran wrap like the picture shown above. Fill each pan with a layer of dough, about 1/4 inch thick, by pressing firmly yet gently into place. Fill each tartlet with cashew sweet cream, almost to the rim, and level out, top with fruit. To remove tart from mold, gently lift the edges of saran wrap, place on flat surface and using a spatula carefully wedge under the tart and move to desired flat surface. You can prepare these a couple hours ahead, cover with saran wrap and store in the refrigerator until ready to eat. Makes 2 three inch fruit tarts using the mini cake molds. Each fruit tart is about 2 serving.

Notes: If using classic tartlet mold, the cashew sweet cream will fill all six and the crust will cover three. If using mini cake pans like I did, the cream will fill three and the crust will cover two.
