
REVIEW: Edy's Mint Cookie (Previously Edy's Girl Scouts Thin Mint Cookie)

While the majority of Edy's standard selections are rather unexciting, I tend to try most of their limited edition offerings. It recently came to my attention, after reading an article from my fellow ice cream blogger over at On Second Scoop, that Edy's and the Girl Scouts brand had parted ways after teaming up on the previously limited edition Thin Mints and Samoas flavors. Displaying the tagline New Name Flavor You Love, Edy's has renamed these flavors to Mint Cookie and Caramel Coconut Cookie, both of which will only be available from January through April. Edy's boasts about their new rendition, "The incredibly popular cookie is somehow made even more incredible when swirled in chocolate ice cream!"

With the top removed, this shows little hint at the mint hiding inside. Although it looks like your standard carton of chocolate cookies 'n cream, the aroma gives away it's true identity. At only 160 calories per serving, the chocolate base doesn't resist my scoop very effectively and easily transfers into a bowl. Big pieces of thin mint cookies break away during the process, and because there are so many, it's nearly impossible to get a bite that doesn't contain at least a few fragments. The chocolate base is mild for the most part and would be rather unexciting on it's own, but because the cookies are crumbled up inside, the base is given an incredible texture that distracts from the mediocre consistency of Edy's ice cream.

Although mint isn't involved in the actual ice cream and found only in the cookies, Mint Cookie only has a small percentage of the cooling effect found in other flavors. With only slight hints of the herb used inside, the texture is the crowning achievement of this selection. The chunks of cookie touch on nearly every textural aspect imaginable; slightly crunchy at first, but quickly breaking down into a soft, chewy influx of mint infused chocolate. Especially considering the low calorie count, this is one of Edy's best offerings to date. It turns out that Edy's doesn't need a troop of Girl Scouts to ensure a quality flavor.

Where I Found It: Super Wal-Mart
Grade: C