Graeter's frequently turns to fruit when looking for new and exciting flavors to add to their signature chocolate chips. They succeeded using this method in their Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip and are looking for a repeat with this limited-edition run of Strawberry Chocolate Chip. As a kid, I always use to combine the chocolate and strawberry ice creams from the Neapolitan cartons in our freezer, but Graeter's has taken this combination to an entirely new level. Strawberry based flavors such as Strawberry Shortbread from High Road and Blue Bell's Strawberry Cheesecake have both performed well on this blog, however those had the assistance of cookies and cake. This isn't quite as complicated as some of those flavors, but my concerns quickly fade after removing the top and taking a look at the first layer.
The 280 calories per serving inside are pretty standard for a flavor from this company, but seems surprisingly low after unearthing some of the colossal chocolate chips inside. Graeter's uses the freshest Oregon Totum strawberries they can find to pack inside their ice cream, which produces a base free of the natural sourness of the fruit. These ripe strawberries provide a sweet flavoring that remains mild and mellow as the ice cream breaks down. Since the nature of the French pot process allows rough, hand-chopped ingredients to be thrown in along the way; some pieces of fruit aren't completely blended. The high water content of the strawberries always tend to make whole pieces a not-so-great addition to any store bought ice cream and even though these tiny pieces provide some additional texture; it's not for the better.
The giant chocolate chips contained inside this particular pint make it easy to forget the lackluster performance of the ice cream surrounding it. They must have known I wouldn't be crazy about the base because this had the highest concentration of chocolate chips I've come across to date. They seem to take up just as much space as the strawberry ice cream. This just further proves that the chocolate chips from Graeter's can't be competed with. These take longer than normal to break down once the ice cream has melted, but it's worth the long wait. Although I won't be buying this limited-edition Strawberry Chocolate Chip any time soon and won't be sad to see it go, I'm still glad I was able to try it once.
Where I Found It: Graeter's Online Store
Grade: B