
REVIEW: Publix Premium It's Your Birthday Cake!

The limited edition cartons decorated with elaborate artwork and creative combinations, are usually what I stick to from Publix Premium, but after running through all those that peaked my interest, I looked a little closer into their year-round flavors. I’d had success with Birthday Cake from PET a few weeks ago and still craving a sweet birthday cake base, I pulled the trigger on their It’s Your Birthday Cake!

This combination of birthday cake ice cream with blue, orange and green frosted cookie pieces and ribbons of blue cake frosting comes in at 180 calories and looks similar to others after lifting off the lid. A few pulls across the first layer with my scoop and all the aforementioned blue cake frosting fully showed itself. As expected, this birthday cake base from Publix Premium is way above average for a generic brand.

One small detail seems to sit the Publix version apart from other birthday-cake themed flavors. While most use sprinkles, this uses frosted cookie pieces. Unfortunately, they're so small, the effect is almost identical to that of sprinkles. Regardless, this one still sits slightly above average when talking birthday cake.

Where I Found It: Publix
Grade: C