
READER REVIEW: Bob's Review of the Scoop Shop Exclusive, Ben & Jerry's Candy Bar Pie

I recently had the luxury of visiting Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I cashed in the opportunity to get my hands on the scoop-shop exclusive, Ben & Jerry’s Candy Bar Pie. Seeing as how it was only a few days before Free Cone Day, their inventory was running extremely low and my cup was filled with what was left at the bottom of the tub. One of their coolers had also malfunctioned, which left only 10 selections to choose from. Candy Bar Pie features a peanut butter base and is combined with fudge flakes, chocolate nougat and sweet & salty swirls. The two scoops I received showed a heavy concentration of all the aforementioned ingredients. This resulted in high expectations before I’d even had my first bite.

The peanut butter ice cream is the same rich base used in What A Cluster and reminds me of the interior filling of a Reese’s Cup. After taking a second to gather my thoughts, my first impression was that this would easily end up with an A. The fudge chunks and chocolate nougat are abundant and work their way into nearly every bite. This is perfect for someone like me who prefers the mix-ins to be on the heavy side. The only letdown for me came from the sweet & salty swirls, which were pretty hard to find in either of the scoops. Even when I did manage to scoop some, the other peanut butter, nougat and fudge components effectively overpowered the little bit I had gathered. This caused me to lower my grade to a B, even though that could have been a direct result to my scoops coming from the bottom of the container. Even still, this is absolutely something I’d revisit and even worked its way into my Ben & Jerry’s Top 5 (Currently Oatmeal Cookie Chunk, Everything But The, What a Cluster, Cinnamon Buns and now, Candy Bar Pie).

Where Bob Found It: Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shop (Pittsburgh, PA)
Bob's Grade: B