
READER REVIEW: Kecia's Review of Turkey Hill Sweet Potato Pecan Pie

I have to say I was a bit hesitant to try this new flavor from Turkey Hill. I do like mashed sweet potatoes with maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg and I do like pumpkin pie ice cream, even though I usually get tired of the taste before the carton is empty.

So I decided to take a chance on this sweet potato flavor - and was a bit disappointed. When I opened the carton I was surprised to see the ice cream was pure white with a bit of the pecan swirl showing, no hint of an orange sweet potato color.

The base is was very soft and fluffy with a hint of some kind of spice. I say brown sugar and cinnamon, the husband said molasses, but it was more vanilla than sweet potato. Looking at the ingredient list sweet potato puree is listed more than halfway through, which perfectly explains why the flavor was very faint.

The pecan pie swirl is very thin and gets lost in the base. The carton does say contains pecans, but there are no pecan pieces, they must have been ground down to pecan dust.

Digging down deeper the pecan pie swirl is still not very prominent. I’ll give this carton the benefit of the doubt, it’s possible I got a bum swirl or maybe it’s hiding at the bottom.

Overall, if you are expecting a strong sweet potato taste or something comparable to Turkey Hill’s Pumpkin Pie ice cream you won’t find it here. I think they could have been a bit more adventurous and put the sweet potato higher up on the ingredient list. To sum it up, this ice cream failed to live up to its own title.

Where Kecia Found It: Lowes Food
Kecia's Grade: C