You've gotta admit: outside of baby shower cakes, grooms' cakes are some of the most "unique" ones out there. This is the cake that puts the guy's favorite recreational activities on display, whether those are sports...
(I believe that's a plastic golf cart in the corner. So let's see...plastic flotsam, a printed edible image, random clumps of crumbled chocolate, and spotty airbrushing... all on one cake. Hah! And they said it couldn't be done.)
(I realize I don't know that much about weaponry, but am I the only one seeing a gun on a hot water bottle here?) Mouth cancer...
(I grew up in the sticks of Florida, so a cake can of chewing tobacco doesn't surprise me that much. Still, let's hope it's not flavored to match. Yech.)Or just melting over an inner tube while covered with a gigantic straw hat.
[crickets chirping]
Well, he
does look relaxed.
[staring some more]
Ok, I give up. What is that red square supposed to be? Anyone? Anyone?
Thanks to Alan R., the only Wreckporter brave enough to attach his name to any of these submissions, and all you other Anony Mice.