
REVIEW: Ben & Jerry's Hazed & Confused Core

After enjoying Core-infused flavors like Karamel Sutra, That’s My Jam, and Peanut Butter Fudge, we continued our exploration with this carton of Hazed & Confused: chocolate & hazelnut ice creams with fudge chips & a hazelnut fudge core. The positive responses we received from our last pint dissection left us with no choice but to do it once again. Similar to what we saw last time, the three separate components are evenly dispersed throughout.

Ben & Jerry’s uses the same chocolate base found in many of their other flavors, and while the small fudge chips added extra flair, the hazelnut aspects of this pint are the obvious focal points. After moving on to the hazelnut ice cream, we were a little disappointed at the mild flavoring. Luckily, Ben & Jerry’s channeled the hazelnut’s full potential to the fudge core. This thick, pasty swirl that snakes its way from top to bottom added bold flavoring that went well with both bases. While the concept could have obtained an A, Ben & Jerry’s version came up a little short.

Where I Found It: Walmart
Grade: B