
Frozen Pints Craft Beer Ice Cream

One of the best parts of living in Asheville, NC, which has been named Beer City USA a few different times over the past few years, is the access to all the top-notch, craft beer you could want. Naturally, I’ve explored many of the different breweries nearby and my palate has grown to love strong seasonals, black stouts and hoppy IPA creations. To get to the point, I recently heard about a company that was bringing together two of my favorite things: ice cream and craft beer. Frozen Pints Craft Beer Ice Cream is a fledgling creamery based in the Greater Atlanta area that’s been using different brewing methods to create new and innovative ice creams. According to them, “Our philosophy is simple. We use the finest craft beers and freshest local ingredients to bring you flavor combinations you’ve never experienced before.

They currently offer seven different flavors, all of which utilize a different type of beer. From their Honey IPA, which brings grassy, piney and hoppy notes to their Malted Milk Chocolate Stout that uses a rich stout enhanced with creamy malted milk, they’re introducing concepts never before tried with ice cream. Next time I’m in Georgia, I’ll definitely be tracking down a few pints (you can do the same by checking out their Find Us tool). Here are the names and descriptions of all their currently available flavors: